The Hellenic Navy recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of S-frigate HS Elli, built by the Royal Schelde Company, and handed over in 1981. Most of the original crew gathered for the occasion and shared their many good memories on board the well-loved vessel.
Anthimos Vassiliadis, also known as Makis, was one of the crew members who sailed on the Elli as it departed Vlissingen in October 1981. He served on the frigate for seven years, originally as a second engineer and the final four years as a first engineer. “HS Elli was the first modern ship that the Hellenic Navy got in the early 1980s,” he reminisces. “The ship brought a big change, because everyone immediately recognised her increased capabilities compared to those of the old destroyers. The first crew of HS Elli absorbed the new technology in a very short time, and fifteen days after the delivery of the vessel, Elli passed the difficult Fleet Operational Sea Training (FOST) at the Isle of Portland in the UK with distinction.”
HS Elli was originally meant to be F812 Pieter Florisz, but during construction the vessel and its sistership F813 Witte de With were sold to Greece and renamed Elli (F450) and Limnos (F451). Anthimos and the rest of the crew spent time in Vlissingen during the construction, training on the ship’s systems and participating in the trials ahead of the delivery of the vessel. “We have the best memories from the time we spent at the shipyard and especially from the shipyard’s personnel who were very welcoming. We consider engineer Henk Stam to be a member of our first crew because he sailed with us to Greece and was the guarantee engineer for the first two years.”
Since 1981, HS Elli has participated in all operations that have taken place in the Aegean Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as in the Red Sea during the Gulf War missions. She also participated in National and NATO exercises and operations as well as in several Search and Rescue operations. “Elli is still fully operational, and I can tell you that she is in much better condition than some of the newer vessels. The ship underwent a Midlife Modernisation in 2000 and she continues to be a deterrent against any theat.”
Anthimos, who was 32 in 1981, is the longest serving officer of that first crew and is still very proud to have been part of the ship’s legacy. “What makes HS Elli so special is the spirit of the crew. To this day, the crew is still in contact with each other, and we support each other. The main contributor to this spirit was our Captain Commander Grigoris Demestichas, who later became Admiral Chief of the HN Fleet.”
The spirit of the crew was evident during the anniversary ceremony, with former crew members travelling from abroad to be part of the celebrations. “The response was unbelievable,” says Anthimos. “The crew’s motto was and still is: ‘One for All and All for Elli’ and we proved that with the anniversary celebration.” The ceremony started off with a welcome by the Chief of the Hellenic Navy Fleet and the Commander of the frigates squadron. Afterwards, there was a Captain’s Reception, during which many, many memories were shared. “We are still very proud of the job we did as the first crew, but also of the work of the crews after us. Elli still is in very good condition and ready to sail again. De Schelde should be very proud of the quality of the S-Frigates.”